
Showing posts from March, 2019

Our camp at High Africa

On the way to camp I sat next to Christopher and we ate our snack and we played top trumps. When we got to camp they showed us our cabins and our number of our cabin was number 4. The people that were in my cabin were Lilhta, Marc, Christopher and me. After that we had to go to the hall and then they split us into 5 groups and my group was number 3. The first thing we did was we had to make up our own wall cry’s. Than we played a rock,paper scissors tournament. After that we had supper and we had cottage pie. On that night we also had the night hike witch was really fun. The next morning we had cereal and toast for breakfast. Then we went of into our 5 teams and we did a activity called the leap of faith. So this is what we had to do we had to climb up a ladder and go up on a pole then we had to jump for a metal pole and I made it. That night we made potjies and in the potjie was vegetables and meat. It was the best potjie I have ever eaten. C

What I think of Grade 5

I think the first few weeks of Grade 5 was great. It was great because we met Mrs Bernhardt fun side. We went for outing to the beach and we played on the rocks and we went into the sea. The best part about the outing was that we played real life Fortnite and the guns were sand. We used the rocks as our basses.  We also went to Kirstenbosch. We learnt about plants and trees. Did you know that some trees were over one hundred years old. We got to roll down hills witch was really fun. The week after that we had our first Class Test. Next week we are going on camp to High Africa and all of us are super excited. I just forgot, the second week of Grade 5 I got brasses. This Friday we have a NS class test and next week we  have a SS Class Test on Tuesday. Last week we had to sign up for the gala and I signed up for breastroke ,butterfly,backstroke and the IM.